These posters, and versions in Spanish, Korean, and Japanese are in this Google Folder. You can share them on social media or print 8.5×11 and post widely, anywhere young future-voters might see them!
(The dimensions for the social media posters are slightly different–those files are labeled as “Instagram” in the folder.)
When posting on social media, include active links:
Register: www.newgeorgiaproject.org/register
Request absentee ballots: www.peachvote.com
Here are some hashtags for the major colleges: #scad#uga#collegedems#emory#gatech#gsu#ksu#clarkatlantauniversity#spelman#morehouse#valdosta#georgiasouthern
divine 9 sororities and fraternities: #aka#kapsi#omegapsiphi#dst1913#pbs1914#zetaphibeta#sigmagammarho#ipt1963
General:#classof2021#classof2020#seniors2021#gasenate#georgiablue#collegedems#flipthesenate#flipgeorgiablue#jonossoff#ossoff #warnock #ditchmitch #happybirthday #fairfight #staceyabrams #highschool #18thbirthday #lootingloeffler #johnlewis #georgiaBlue GA Counties and Cities: #fultoncounty #dekalbcounty #gwinnettcounty #claytoncounty #rockdalecounty #atlanta #athensga #savannah #albanyga #columbusga #cobbcounty #georgiaonmymind #douglascountygaYou could also try looking up specific High School names and their hashtags.
If you want to take it to the next level:
- Open one of your social media accounts and search for a keyword or hashtag. Example: “Georgia” “youthvote” or anything from the hashtags.
- Find popular posts on the topic and reply by posting the graphic with a message, such as
- “Georgia college students can vote in the runoff *even if they voted in another state in November* but they must register by December 7th! Register here: www.thecivicscenter.org/register” *Note this is NOT voter fraud–has been checked with Secretary of State’s office. If they can show residency, they can vote!
- “23,000 Georgians will turn 18 between Nov, 3rd and Jan 5th, making them eligible to vote in the runoff, but they must register by December 7th! Register here: www.thecivicscenter.org/register“
- If you find someone with a large following who seems like they care about the issue and their DMs are open, write them a note and ask them to share.
Poster Design: Danielle Louise
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